. Waigeo Beach in Jayapura - Guide Indonesian Tourism

Monday, February 14, 2011

Waigeo Beach in Jayapura

Waigeo Island is an island located in the province of West Papua. Waigeo Island is also known by the name amberi, or Waigiu.Pulau Waigeo is the largest island of the four main islands in the archipelago of Raja Ampat, the distance between the island of Halmahera Waigeo with about 65 km. Three other islands Salawati, Batanta and Misool.

Waigeo archipelago area is about 3155 km ², and has nearly 1000 m altitude. island area Waigeo From west to east of the island about 110 km, while from north to south about 50 km.
Since 1997, this island has become a place of pearl farming company owned by Atlas Pacific Australia

Tourism became one of the leading sectors of the Raja Ampat regency government. Regent, Drs. Marcus Wanma, M. Si describes as the dominant sector, the tourism sector should be developed so that the future can provide added value to the improved economy and welfare of the people who inhabit the 610 pieces in the Raja Ampat Islands. It is not unreasonable, that the natural stretch of sea and land, Raja Ampat is a strategic area for tourism development.
In 2002, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) conducted scientific research to obtain data and information about marine ecosystems and forests in the Raja Ampat Islands. The survey was managed to record 537 species of corals and 828 species of fish and estimated the Raja Ampat Islands, there are 1074 species of fish. One thing that's amazing that 537 species of corals are found represent approximately 75% of known coral species in the world.
Through multi-taxa survey dated 4 June 30, 2005 on the island of Batanta, Salawati and Waigeo (three of the four major islands in Raja Ampat) the researchers from Conservation International (CI), Indonesia with Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), University of Cenderawasih (UNCEN) University of Papua (UNIPA), Papua BKSDA II, Museum of Australia and the Government of the Raja Ampat managed to find at least 57 species of amphibians and reptiles, 20 species of bats, 60 species of orchids, and more than 500 species of trees Batanta island (as the main focus), Salawati and Waigeo. In fact, they also managed to find 8 new frog species and 12 types of new bats. (Respect, No. 1 Vol. 1 Issue 1 January March 2009).
Widya Nusantara Expedition (Ewin) LIPI Biology Research Center in 2007 conducted research in the Gulf region Mayalibit. Based on the results of the expedition obtained macroscopic fungi as many as 25 families comprising 52 genera. Unknown 3 of them suspected to be a new species that needs further study. Noting the presence of 11 taxa of plants belonging to the tribe Pandanaceae, 5 taxa belonging to the genus Freycinetia and 6, including members of the genus Pandanus. All taxa recorded pandanus are new records (new records). Ferns exploration results obtained by many as 164 collection numbers consisting of 23 tribes, 124 kinds of ferns. (The result of temporary identification.) Collected 48 numbers Piper spp. consisting of 15 types of Piper. In addition, also collected 135 numbers higher plants. Plant collections obtained from there are significant variations in both family and type. Some families are often found at research sites, among others, Rubiaceae (7 species), Anacardiaceae (5 types), Araliaceae (4 species), Meliaceae (4 species), Euphorbiaceae, Combretaceae, arecaceae and Lauraceae (each 3 types). From the survey results obtained herpeteofauna 194 specimens, consisting of 12 types of amphibians and 32 species of reptiles. For the amphibian class as a type of suspect there is 1 new species (the big green tree frog), 8 kinds of new records for the island Waigeo, where 2 of them were identified to genus category alone.
While the class of reptiles, 1 species of suspected new species (snakes), 14 species as new records for the island Waigeo and 3 species were identified to genus category. The types of birds that successfully Dragnet 66 individuals from 28 species in the region Waigeo Island. Of these 28 species, 7 endemic species have alleged Waigeo Island, namely Megapodius Freycinet, Gerygone chrysogaster, Poecilodryas hypoleuca, Pitohui ferrugineus, Melilestes megarhynchus, Oedistoma pygmaeum, Meliphaga aruensis. One type of Paradisaea diataranya rubra, has the status of NT (Near threatened), has also been included in Appendix II of CITES and is protected also in PP. 7, PP. 8 and Law. 5. Mammals of the Expedition Team Widya Nusantara Waigeo Island, managed to uncover the 22 species of mammals. 13 kinds of people Chiroptera (bats), 5 types of nation rodents (mammals, rodents), 3 kinds of people Marsupial (mammal marsupial) and 1 type of nation Artiodactyla. Based on these results, 4 species are new records for its existence on the island of Waigeo, namely Pteropus conspicillatus, Macroglossus minimus, Synconycteris australis and Aselliscus tricuspidatus. According to Corbet & Hill (1992), Wilson, D.E. & D. M. Reeder (1993), Flannery T (1995) and Suyanto, et. al. (2002) these species not previously found on the island of Waigeo.
Collection of 124 specimens obtained during the expedition succeeded, 1 type, that is, Spilocuscus papuensis (fitch Waigeo) is a new collection for the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MZB), while the other 19 species which is in addition to a collection of mammal species that had not been previously obtained from Waigeo Island . This is certainly a very valuable contribution to the repertoire of the collection of fauna and development of science Indonesia in MZB.
The diversity of these animals had attracted the attention of the English scientist Alfred Russel Wallace to do some research. Wallece Waigeo come to the island in 1860. There he stayed for three months researching the diversity of animals, especially birds and insects. Wallace's research results were written in his book entitled The Malay Archipelago.
Knowingly or not that biological diversity (biodiversity) of the above is the center of all the sectors that are important to human life. Many of the chemicals contained in various species of biodiversity is very useful for the welfare of mankind, among others used as food, clothing, shelter, fuel, medicines, cosmetics, flavoring agents, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, dyes and industrial raw materials (chemical prospecting). National and international industry (pharmaceutical and agro-industry) aware of the potential chemical and producing estate resources (natural resources) and this awareness even further increased in the last two decades have reduced the potential of existing natural resources due to degradation of tropical forests in Indonesia and elsewhere (Chairul 2000).
Stretching Ecotourism Development in Raja Ampat Ecotourism activities in the Raja Ampat regency growing from time to time. This can be seen from the increasing number of visitors who want to enjoy the natural beauty of Raja Ampat Islands good cluster of tourists in the country (the domestic) and foreign tourist. In 2004 the number wisatwan visiting as many as 217 people, and in 2005 increased to 746 members (Anonim. 2006). Respect Reports First Edition January March 2009 mentions that in 2007 the number of tourists visiting the Raja Ampat reach 1033 persons (983 tourists and 50 foreign countries, the domestic tourists) and increased in the year 2008 (until June) reached 1124 people (995 foreign tourists countries and 129 domestic tourists).

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