. Guide Indonesian Tourism

Friday, April 15, 2011

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Kedung Ombo Dam

Kedung Ombo is a giant dam area is an area of ​​6576 hectares, which covers most areas in three districts, namely, Sragen, Boyolali, and Grobogan. Reservoir dam consists of five river water area covering 2830 hectares and 3746 hectares of land that is not waterlogged.
Location Kedung Ombo tourism is a mainstay of Sragen located in District Sumberlawang, about 30 km from downtown. Besides treated to beautiful scenery, visitors can enjoy Kedung Ombo water tours, adventure boat ride to visit the islands that appear in the middle of the reservoir. Your hobby enthusiasts grilled fish or fish hook? Do not worry, in Kedung Ombo is also available where fishing as well as stalls selling a variety of processed foods made ​​from fish. Once out of the vehicle in thea parking lot , the fragrance of fish baked or fried immediately catch , invite the appetite .

In the area Kedung Ombo, precisely in the village Ngargotirto, has built the racetrack with a path along the 600 meters. Racetrack, named 'Nyi Ageng Serang' it is a miniature of the racecourse Pulo Mas Jakarta. In December 2006 ago at the site held a national horse racing championship trophy of Governor of Central Java.
Potential tourism development is to multiply the homestay which together with the houses, so that the tourists can stay longer in the area Kedung Ombo. The existence of homestay tourists can make a close look at everyday life of society, and even live a life like the locals, after a time.

Investments can also be grown in aquaculture sectors using floating cages and equipped restaurant. In the flood plains around the reservoir, suitable for developing agribusiness fruits and vegetables. In addition to close to the source water taken fromreservoirs , reservoirwater quality is also clean of pollutants .
If you do not want a half-half jump in tourism business, investors can develop an integrated tourist complex in Kedung Ombo. Investors can utilize water attractions, and restaurants floating cages, and the racetrack is already available, while building agribusiness tours, safari parks, golf courses, and also a cable car to enjoy the view from a height Kedungombo complex. When the integrated tourism complex has been established, visitors will surely get an impressive adventure, unique, and missed.

Horse Racing Complex Nyi Ageng Serang
Fun Horse Riding in Tropical Rural

Nyi Ageng racetrack is located in the Village Ngargotirto Serang, District Sumberlawang. The path along the 600 meters was only 1.5 kilometers away from the edge of Kedung Ombo dam.
Access to the horse racing track is relatively easy Nyi Ageng Serang. Racetrack that is 30 kilometers from the city center of Sragen Regency and can be reached for 40 minutes by car. From Semarang, pungunjung can pass through an alternative path-Karanggede Salatiga-Gemolong-Sumberlawang. Of Surakarta (Solo), visitors can take the route of Solo-Purwodadi and turn west when entering the area Sumberlawang. Location of Horse races are five kilometers from the highway Solo-Purwodadi.

The existence of the racetrack in Ngasinan bring changes in the face of the village. Hotmix road is now split along the five miles from the center to the rural district Sumberlawang. Facilitate transport and trade flows. Street lighting and clean water facilities now available in adequate quantity and quality.

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Prambanan Temple in Klaten

Prambanan Hindu cultural heritage as the largest in Indonesia, Prambanan Temple does have a charm of its own beauty. Because in addition to building form and layout are stunning, Prambanan temple also kept the story of the history and legends of a very attractive tourist. No wonder if the temple is situated on the edge of the highway 17 km from Yogyakarta to Solo is a tourist attraction for both the city's mainstay.

Temple complex built in the 9th century AD It has three main building beautiful architecture as high as 47 meters. The three buildings symbolizing Trimurti, namely the doctrine of the three main deities of Shiva Temple (god fuser) in the middle,Brahma Temple (god guard) in the south, and the Temple of Vishnu (the god creator) in the north. Then in front of the main building there are three smaller temples as a symbol of vehicle (vehicle) of the Trimurti. All of these are the Temple of Nandi (bull) which is the vehicle of Shiva, Brahma Temple Goose vehicle, and vehicle Garuda Wisnu Temple.

The tourists also can see and follow the story of the Ramayana story carved relief on the wall clockwise fence ledge and continued at Shiva Temple Brahma Temple. While on the ledge fence Vishnu temple carved reliefs Krisnayana story.Entering Main Temple (Temple of Shiva) from the north, tourists also can see the statue of a beautiful princess named Roro Jonggrang. According to legend, Roro Jonggrang is the daughter of King Boko who wish to marry by Bondowoso, a man mighty Son of King Pengging. Roro Jonggrang who does not love Bandung, tried to reject this proposal by submitting a condition that made a thousand temples in one night.

With supernatural strength, Bandung undertakes these terms and almost managed to complete the task. Roro Jonggrang a panic, trying to thwart this success by mobilizing rural women to burn the hay and pound rice so that the atmosphere changed as the morning.

Thought the deadline has expired, all the supernatural powers that help Bandung running. No doubt, the work was almost finished finally abandoned. This failure certainly makes Bandung wrath. And because they could not hold his anger, cursed Roro Jonggrang Bandung became a statue.

The story is a complete legend can tourists see at the Museum building in that location Prambanan Temple. Because besides having room Audio Visual who plays the movie for 15 minutes about the history of the discovery of the Prambanan temple until the renovation process is complete and full pugarnya, The museum is also exhibiting a collection of archaeological objects and jewelry Mataram kings of ancient relics found in Wonoboyo, Klaten.
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Tugu Pahlawan in Surabaya

Tugu Pahlawan, is a monument that became landmarks of Surabaya, the hero monument is located in the middle of town on Jalan Pahlawan Surabaya, and near the East Java governor's office.

Tugu Pahlawan is one of the Surabaya City icons as the City of Heroes. This monument is a point 0 miles to the city of Surabaya. Standing on a land area of ​​1.3 hectare field, and is administratively located in the Village Square Chontong, District lathe, the city of Surabaya.

This monument is as high as 45 yards (40.5 meters) phallus-shaped or inverted spikes. Body-shaped monument arches 10 arches, and divided into 11 sections. Tall, vertebra, and curve implies 10, month 11, year 1945. A historic date, not only for residents of Surabaya, but also for all the People Nation Indonesia.

Heroes Monument was built to commemorate the events of the Battle of 10 November 1945 in Surabaya, where arek-arek Suroboyo fought against the Allied forces with the Dutch who wanted to colonize Indonesia again.

Tugu Pahlawan monument became the center of attention every November 10, recalled the incident in 1945 when many heroes who died in the war for independence.

This monument was initiated by Doel Arnowo, who was then serving as Regional Head of the Great City of Surabaya. Then he asked Ir. Tan to design the monument images that referred, for further submitted to President Sukarno.

Meanwhile, according to Ir. Soendjasmono, the initiator of this monument is Ir. Sukarno himself. This idea received special attention from the mayor of Surabaya, Doel Arnowo. For plans and drawings submitted to Ir. R. Soeratmoko, who has overcome some of the other architecture in the contest for the selection of architects to build this monument.

At first the work of the Monument Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya City Hall itself is handled. Then followed by the Indonesian Engineering Corporation, which is then forwarded by the Contractor Saroja. Monuments built during the past ten months, was inaugurated by President Soekarno on November 10, 1952.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Lake Sentani JayaPura

Sentani Lake below the slopes of Mountain Nature Reserve Cycloops that a total of approximately 245,000 hectares. which lies between the City and County of Jayapura Jayapura, Sentani Lake which has an area of approximately 9360 hectares and located at an elevation of + 75 meters above sea level, is one of the largest lake in Papua.Danau Sentani potential for development of freshwater fish cultivation. for improving family nutrition and one source of income daerah.dengan potential large-scale flow of water, the lake Sentani cultivation of land can be used as various types of freshwater fish, which in turn can meet the market demand in Papua even to come out of Papua. "Lake Sentani able for cultivation of many species of freshwater fish such as Mujair, Mas, Catfish, Tilapia, and various other types of fish high in protein, Indonesia Tourist Paradise.

Read more: http://www.wisatanesia.com/
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Enjoying the atmosphere jl Malioboro

Jl Malioboro is the name of the street in the city of Yogyakarta, which stretches from Tugu Yogyakarta up to the intersection of Post Office in Yogyakarta which consists of Prince Road Mangkubumi and Jalan Jend. A. Yani, Jalan is an imaginary axis line of Yogyakarta Kingdom.
There are several historic objects in this street include Tugu Yogyakarta, Tugu Station, Great House, Market Beringharjo, Fortress and Monument Vredeburg Oemoem attack March 1.
Malioboro hustle and splendor can not be separated from the many vendors who lined up along Malioboro street hawking wares, almost everything on offer are items / objects of Jogja as a souvenir / gift for tourists. They traded handicrafts typical of Jogjakarta, among others ayaman rattan handicrafts, leather, batik, silver, bamboo and others, in the form of batik clothes, leather bags, leather shoes, rattan ornament, leather puppets, bamboo key chains, spoons / forks silver, blangkon Batik [semacan cap of Jogja / Java], t-shirts with various models / writing and many others.
The vendors are there who hold wares on the table, cart only those that hold the plastic on the floor. So when a visitor busy Malioboro enough alone among visitors will jostle each other because of the narrowness of the road for the pedestrians as it is quite dense and the number of traders on the right side and Lesbian kiri.dan stalls at night selling food jogja typical warm and well-known as a gathering place the artists-artists who often express their capabilities like playing music, painting, hapening art, mime and others along this road. 

Malioboro Times Now
Read more: http://www.wisatanesia.com/
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The beauty of Goa Gong in Yogyakarta

Gua Gong has stalagtite and stalagmites are said to be beautiful in Southeast Asia. It has about 256 m depth, but it also has 5 poll; Rogo Pool, Pool Panguripan, Jiwo Pool, Pool Kamulyan, and Ralung Nisto Pool, which has a magical value to cure disease. The beauty of the stalagmites and stalagtite almost did not make a surprise immortalized by Selo Cengger Earth named, Cello Giri, Selo Citro Cipto Supreme, Cello Pakuan Bomo, Cello Adi Citro Lane, Cello Cello spur banks of wind and wind.

On certain days every Friday, there was the sound of traditional music called "Jaranan" gong (a traditional gong) is the loudest instrument sounds from the other. Until now, sometimes the sound can still be heard, which is why the cave is about 256 meters below ground, has 12 rooms, 7 springs and one bathroom nature.


This cave is located about 30 km west of Pacitan, East Java. precisely in the village of Bomo, Punung district and accessible by all kinds of good four wheel drive vehicles and two-wheeled vehicle with take about 45 minutes. This area is also available some facilities, such as souvenir shops, restaurants, parking, mosque, etc.

Read more: http://www.wisatanesia.com/

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